Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you based?

Denver, CO. 

What is "kairos"?

"Kairos" is Greek word and the name for my "walk-ins". No initial deposits or reservations necessary! You meet me at my location and we shoot on the spot on a first come first serve basis. Short and casual. Follow me on social media to know where I'll be!

How should I prepare my pet/s for a shoot?

Great question. It's not required, but it is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to make sure they get plenty of exercise before the shoot so they are more relaxed than usual. Take them for nice long walk or run.

How long does a typical photo shoot last?

Anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes depending on the package acquired. However, nothing is set in stone. In general we’re going to take as much time as it takes to get the photos you want. There is no need to rush, but we understand you might have somewhere to whisk off to, so just let us know and we will work around your schedule!

What is your process?

1. Get in touch and discuss booking.

2. An initial deposit upon session confirmation to hold your date. 

3. Meet up for session.

4. Project should be delivered anywhere from 5 - 10 business days. 

How can I contact you?

Email or phone (text or call).

What forms of payment do you accept?

Zelle/Venmo or cash.

Do you have a cancellation policy?

We understand that life gets in the way sometimes. There is no cancellation fee, but we ask that you give us the courtesy of a cancellation notice at least 2-3 days prior to a shoot, if possible.

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